Oh dear.

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Chris Andrews: So much here.

I will say only this: Your Fulda scene is quite realistic.

I do not fathom why, but the DDR (deutsche demokratische Republik -- in other words, East German under the Communists) they went from a Nazi to a Communist dictatorship, and the Stasi (Staatssicherheitspolizei -- no wonder the Germans love acronyms like "Stasi" -- from the "STAatsSIcherheit . . .").

Under the Stasi, if you lived, for example, in Leipzig, and invited the neighbors to an anniversary party, out of 20 neighbors and friends, maybe five were gathering data for Stasi protocols on YOU.

At 76, and bilingual, I have MET former Nazis and talked with them. This was a while ago -- in the early '80s.

I ramble on this, because it is something I am quite acquainted with.

Your prose is poetic -- you have a real gift. Moreover, you have deep insight into human nature.

I love your writing!

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