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Chris Andrews: The exquisite description of growing sorrow and anticipation and then the poetic description of relief:

"There they lay, holding hands like schoolgirls, in the muddy garden, which wreaked of fresh earth, cow manure, and hay. Above them in the still, blue sky were two red-tailed hawks, effortlessly riding the thermals of the early evening. * * *

"Deeply touched by the day’s events and the intimacy of their showering, Vie cupped Kate’s soft face in her rough hands, and looked at her with gentle intent, eyes softened by exhaustion and happiness. As she hesitantly leaned in toward Kate’s face, she closed her eyes and then felt Kate’s soft, full lips meet hers. A feeling of sheer bliss warmed Vie’s body. Both women were reluctant to end the kiss, and thus, it continued sweetly and passionately for a long while * * *"

Beautiful writing.

And thanks for the wonders of Mendelssohn.

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