Une promenade inoubliable
(ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु
More to say later. For now just tears - tears for Kate, tears for Carl, tears for Vie
Well, I hope Carl stayed with Vie until she fell asleep. Imagining her dying all alone on a cold winter night among the rocks makes me a bit sad.
Perfect song for the end of a loving and complex life
Chris Andrews: Inoubriable with its reflective love and joy and apprehension, with the simple communication, Vie won't be needing the walking sticks.
I treasured the loving moments that Kate and Vie had together.
What an interesting backstory must lie in Vie's vie, life.
(ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु
More to say later. For now just tears - tears for Kate, tears for Carl, tears for Vie
Well, I hope Carl stayed with Vie until she fell asleep. Imagining her dying all alone on a cold winter night among the rocks makes me a bit sad.
Perfect song for the end of a loving and complex life
Chris Andrews: Inoubriable with its reflective love and joy and apprehension, with the simple communication, Vie won't be needing the walking sticks.
I treasured the loving moments that Kate and Vie had together.
What an interesting backstory must lie in Vie's vie, life.